actual play
Never Stop Blowing Up asks what it means to be a man
An Interview with Ify Nwadiwe and Jacob Wysocki on masculinity and agency.
Nothing says Happy Labor Day like filing nine charges with the National Labor Relations Board
In an effort to support backwards compatibility, the proposed changes to D&D Beyond (and the subsequent retraction) divided the user base along lines a decade apart.
You got looter shooter in my fantasy TTRPG
Cross Collab Crowdfunding Campaigns Successful on Backerkit
Unleash the Magic. Defy the Iron. Welcome to Grimwood City.
TTRPG Jamming like it's 2019.
actual play
The nerdy institution returns with a new actual play after years of scandal and dormancy
If I had a nickel for every viral video that convinced thousands of people TTRPGs are cool, actually… I’d have two nickels.
rascal on rascal
The final read on the pledge drive, two weeks of darkness, and a new mini-boss.
Is it worth it to create games amid burnout, depression, and broken work habits?
actual play
Planet Arcana's new tarot-based actual play is a pocket-dimension of the show's best qualities
Co-founder Tomas Härenstam remains confident the studio’s polestar will keep them on a winning track.
The digital sandbox’s co-creator clears up some of several misunderstands around development and marketplaces
Blood donations received at Gen Con alleviated shortages across the state of Indiana and beyond.
actual play
An interview with Taliesin Jaffe and Abubakar Salim about divinity and actual play.
When you say AI shouldn’t replace workers, that includes engineers.
Using physical ephemera to differentiate between in-character and out-of-character relationships helps me be present with both of my partners.
Pledge Drive
Chase finally gets to make a podcast.