get in touch

So you want to talk to the rascals. Great. We love to chat. If you don't want to find exactly where to go (lazy!) our individual emails are,,,, and

Lin is a good fit for stories that require investigations, indie RPGs, and culture interviews. Rowan focuses on APs, queer intersections, and radical reimaginings. Chase loves labor stories, solo RPGs, and the business of games.

If you want to get specific about topics, we have also set up specific inboxes at,,, and

See below on what emails should go where.

I want to reach a certain rascal.

I have a story tip.

We have set up specifically for story tips. All emails sent to are automatically considered confidential, and we can negotiate anonymity and on the record conversations from there. You can review our ethics, standards, and disclosures to learn more about our policy on anonymity, being on the record, and source confidentiality.

We are willing to fully anonymize identities, industries, and corporations to preserve a source's safety, however we will need to know a source's real name and confirm their identity at some point in order to publish any story. This knowledge is completely confidential and will not be revealed to anyone publicly, even in state court. Both New York and Texas, where the rascals report from, recognize a journalist's right to refuse to testify on their sources identities, and both states have shield laws enshrining this privilege.

I have a problem.

Check our FAQ and then come back to us!

I have a press release I want to send you.

We love a press release. Please state embargos up front. Email to tell us about your cool shit.

I want to interview the rascals.

Fuck yeah. Email us individually if you want to talk to one of us specifically, or email for the lot of us.

I have some questions about Rascal.

Sure! Check out our FAQ, about, and staff pages. Also our domain expansion post.

Or, you know:

I want to write for Rascal.

Check out our "write for us" page for updates on how to pitch Rascal or apply for fellowships.

I want to give Rascal money.

Subscriptions are the best way to do that. If you want to give us more money, we have set up a widget through PayPal for one-time or recurring extra donations.

I want to sponsor Rascal, give money to fellowships, or otherwise get an ad on Rascal.

First, thank you for wanting to support Rascal.

Get in touch via for all these requests. We are not currently selling adspace, but we are willing to talk about what sponsorship might look like in the future and make singular deals with companies that align with our ethics and standards and agree to our disclosure policy.

When in doubt: