Cyberpunk Red & VA-11 HALL-A Crossover DLC Released - Mixing Drinks - Changing Lives

An Unprecedented Crossover between the Best Selling TTRPG & the Award Winning Indie Game

Cyberpunk Red & VA-11 HALL-A Crossover DLC Released - Mixing Drinks - Changing Lives
This is a community submitted press release.

For most on April Fools Day, it's pranks and jokes. 

For us at R. Talsorian Games, we try to instead bring the most unusual or awesome concept we can instead. 

Our annual April Fools Day DLC release is one for the books, as we have worked with Sukeban Games to pull off a one-of-a-kind crossover into the Cyberpunk Red TTRPG!

The 20 page PDF contains how VA-11 HALL-A now can be brought into your own game of Cyberpunk Red, including lore converted into the TTRPG universe's own style as if the residents and regulars of Glitch City had been here all along.

Bringing Familiar Faces into Night City

The free DLC contains an rundown of VA-11 HALL-A and how we've made it all fit into Night City, from not only main characters from the video game, but also expanded lore, a map of VA-11 HALL-A, new tech, and more for the tabletop roleplaying game itself.

  • 26 Drinks as part of the Drinktionary Section
  • 9 Pieces of New Tech, from Cyberware to Apps
  • Statted out Main Characters from VA-11 HALL-A from Jill & Dana to Stella & Sei

The PDF is available now for free!

Is This for the Video Game?

This crossover is only for the tabletop roleplaying game, Cyberpunk Red. This is not new content for VA-11 HALL-A. 

The studio behind the game, Sukeban Games, has been extremely cooperative with us at R. Talsorian Games during the creation of this PDF in preparation for April Fools Day however. 

Their own suggestions and openness to let us have some fun has made this a passion project for both of our companies.  They've been wonderful to work with through this entire process and can be found at their own website below.

Why it it called a DLC?

R. Talsorian Games releases free monthly supplements of usable, fully ready to go goodies in PDF form that we call DLCs.  Borrowing from video game terms, this downloadable content has been an amazing way to get a constant flow of brand new stuff out to our fans. 

We release these DLC typically in the last half of the month, and not only for Cyberpunk Red.  Cyberpunk Red does get the most, but we've already got plans for DLC around Shadow Scar, Cody Pondsmith's upcoming TTRPG, once it releases.

We've expanded on not only lore, but introduced detailed new rules for everything from the weather of night city to even roller derby.  Yes, there is a roller derby DLC for Cyberpunk Red.  That one is a fun one, because it is actually part of an upcoming book we will be releasing.  We decided the rules were so fun, we wanted to release them early.  Giving it out for free was just the best way to do it!

We have been doing this for years, and don't plan to stop doing it anytime soon.