Fight the $ystem with Fluff n' Fury - a Cy-bear punk TTRPG
A scifi ttrpg about fighting late-stage teddie bears

The world is no longer as we know it. Everybody lives forever... but as a fluffy robot teddie bear. (Why robot teddies? Well, everybody had one, of course!) Only the rich were able to stay in synthetic humanoid bodies, and nothing changed for the common folk.
Get your crew, plan some heists, and wreak havoc on some billionaires!
Fluff 'n Fury is a tabletop roleplaying game about fighting capitalism in a wacky world where everybody is some sort of robot teddie bear. The game is best with 3-6 players, with a game master. The game uses a simple d6 system loosely based on Year Zero Engine and Forged in the Dark.
The gameplay is simple and designed for creative outside-the-box thinking. You get your mission briefing, a planning phase, and then the heist (or prison break, or infiltration, etc) ensues! The game is about camaraderie, and working together with your crew's sets of skills to make sure the everybody walks away together, (at least mostly) unscathed.
Set in a sci-fi cyberpunk type world, expect lots of hacking, robotics, and crazy body-mod villains to come into play. Ocean's Eleven meets Fantastic Mr. Fox meets Cyberpunk 2077 in this futuristic world.

Playing the game
It's heist time! Get those thinking caps on and find creative ways to infiltrate different destinations, find stealthy ways to subvert attention, or just go in bazookas blazing.
- Endlessly Customizable Characters: Roll on random tables to create one-of-a-kind teddy warriors! Choose your quirks, your cutie, and even your background.
- Unique Weapons: Each weapon brings its own flavor, rules and firepower. From bazookas to sniper rifles, the destruction is endless.
- Lore and Factions: Scavenge the gritty, neon-soaked world of Patch City, filled with rival factions, scummy corporations, and rebellious teddies.
Easy to learn, quick to play!
- 6 = Success: You roll a pool of d6s based on your skill, and any time you roll at least one 6, that’s a success. For especially complex tasks, the GM can add F*Dice to your dice pool which might cancel out a success.
- Weapons always hit: unless you didn't roll a 6. No math involved for armor or checking to see if damage was dealt. Every 6 = 1 damage dealt.
- Modular Gameplay: Keep it simple for quick one-shots or dive deeper with different modules to adapt for longer campaigns, or more difficult combat focused games.

What's in the Book?
Everything you need to play in the Fluff n' Fury zine: a 36(ish) page, full color, digest-sized zine, in retropunk neon layouts, available in print or PDF.
🔥 Core Rules
🔥 Character Creation Tables
🔥 Lore: Factions & Corps of Patch City
🔥 Optional Rules Modules to Customize Experience
🔥 3 One-Shot Adventures
🐂 The Landlord Conclave
🐟 The Piranha Express
🕷️ Deep into the Fluffnet
🔥 36 NPCs to Populate your World created with the Revolutionary Leader Kickstarter supporter tier (make your own teddie to be featured in the book!)
Check it out on Kickstarter!
The game will be live from Feb 1-28. Click here!