In the remnants of the world, play in the smithereens.
Plasmodics: mutant freaks in the weird future is live on Kickstarter.

Plasmodics is the tabletop roleplaying game of post-apocalyptic, gonzo sci-fi, where (sorta) humans, (kinda) animals, (mostly) robots, and (definitely) aliens join hand-in-mutated-hand.
You play the Plasmodics. The world and its debris are yours to play in. Uncover odd artifacts, wrestle with opposing factions and your cryptic alliances, and see what this weird world has to offer.
Plasmodics is a new school game inspired by Into the Odd by Chris McDowell and Cybermetal 2012 by Adam Vass, a demake of the first edition classic post-apocalyptic RPG Gamma World.
Plasmodics is funding until September 5th.

Make Many, Many Mutants
Get weird in the body and in the mind with mutations, from insect wings and waterwalking, to clonesense and gun control. Freakify your words and deeds, personality and perception with nuances, from improvisational firefighter and escape artist, to social contortionist and counts-as-a-small-gang. With a mosaic of both mutations and nuances, tied up in the factional double bind of your cryptic alliances, only one thing is for certain: it’s gonna get weird.

Rules: Everything You Need to Get Weird
Live by the 10 HP principle, play havoc with the trouble track, hit a salty runback to stay alive, and uncover the artifacts that’ll end the world all over again. Plasmodics includes everything you need to play, rules for strange artifacts, factions, crafting, and an adventure.
Setting: Welcome to the world of King Tide

The world is the bottomlands. A flood basin every other day or every few hours. The tide is our king here, visiting great waves upon our homes, then receding before the next. Like prizefighters with our peek-a-boo guard, we find our way through the pummeling, looking for an opening or the ringing of a bell. What remains of this ancient city could be taken away by the next swell, whether it’s your belongings, your community, or your life. But the wake giveth. Things appearing in the receding tide, things from across the world. Our messages in bottles, flotsam from whatever freshly powerwashed bunker of those who came before.
Adventure Zine: Vermiculture
Plasmodics is funding alongside Vermiculture, an adventure zine filled to the brim with the bunkers buried below.

The cryptic locks unwind on a freshly surfaced bunker, designed and paid for by the billionaires of the lost era. Called cultures, they were designed to spec, reflecting their owners’ strange outlooks on the world. Each set to emerge and open once the time was right. The time was never right, and here, 500 years later, and a factory reset brought all of these to the surface at the same time. Welcome to C-Day, the start of a new gold rush.
Wanna see what’s inside?