Minimal Impact – Dungeon Crawling, But Not As You Know It.
Out now on DriveThru RPG

The party is on their way, and the dungeon isn’t ready! Whatever will they think if they find our lair in this state? Traps already sprung, minions in need of a rest, the treasure just laying out in the open. It simply won’t do. Summon the imps at once!
Minimal Impact is a tiny, inverted RPG for one Game Master and a handful of players. Take on the role of the ever-resourceful dungeon imps, shoring up walls and barricades, priming traps and readying puzzles to test the brains and brawn of the invading adventurers! ... Or rather, to let them think they’re being tested...

If you've ever wanted to know what a dungeon's monsters are up to while you're not looking, then A: you have very specific tastes, and B: do I have the game for you!
Contained within are simple yet characterful rules for players and GM, two pages of prompts for designing and fleshing out a dungeon with minimal preparation, and a whole heap of hand-drawn imps. Pick it up now for only $2 on DriveThru RPG.
Minimal Impact is the third RPG release from Zachary Elliott-Hatton, following Protomancer, a deck-building dungeon crawler set in the hostile outer reaches of space; and Beanjackers, a game of infiltration and theft loosely inspired by the classic tale Jack and the Beanstalk.