New Foldies From the Creator of Grasping Nettles
Seven single-sheet games perfect for fans of walks, birds, paper airplanes, wizards, supervillains, maps, and revolution.

Adam Bell Games recently released a collection of seven new games in tri-fold pamphlet and mini-zine format. While a few of these games have been sold as convention exclusives or digital-only releases, physical copies are now available for purchase online for the first time ever individually or as a complete set (and for 20% off with the code BACKATIT!). Each foldie is a complete game in its own right and the collection runs the full gamut of the RPG scene: solo, GMed, GMless, tarot cards, dice, journaling, and worldbuilding games are all present here.

You are wizards who find themselves in an arena. The crowd is crying out for a wizard tournament; who are you to deny them what they seek?
There's a hitch, though. You have no idea how you got here and your spellbook is full of strange spells you've never seen before! It's going to take some clever, wizardly thinking to make use of these bad boys.
Wizards compete in a series of challenges and duels to determine the winner of the grand tournament. Cast your spells by engaging in real-time dice battles and use your wits to emerge victorious.

When you play Hook Line & Sinker, you’ll draw a map of a new place in a world everyone’s familiar with. Each player will embody a faction that’s vying for control of the map.
Players take turns adding new features to the world. As you draw them on the map, you’ll also be playing cards and building up a poker hand. The player with the highest poker hand by the end wins the game and their faction takes control of the map.

Act as supervillains attempting to accomplish superplots in this fun and light tarot-driven roleplaying game. Each player's villain is associated with a minor arcana, but watch out for those dastardly superheroes! They’ll wreck your plans any time you draw a major arcana card.
Players create supervillains to play as, weave a villainous web between them, and head into the world to enact their Master Plans. Unfortunately, there are meddlesome heroes doing their derring-doo-do-gooder best to thwart the plans and apprehend our fair villains.
Can you complete your Master Plan and put the Super back in Supervillain? Or will you fail like the villains before you always seem to do?

Reliance breaks the "single zine" rule of this foldie collection as it contains a pamphlet for player rules and another for the GM. Players take on the roles of members of the revolutionary vanguard party in the period of rebuilding after the ruling capitalist forces were driven out of the city. From this point, it will take constant work and decades of struggle and action to build the society that you fought for.
It's a game of exploring the challenges of building a world out of the bones of an old one, and of acknowledging just how entrenched the structures of the capitalist mode of production are in every level of our society and mindset.
Gameplay has players confronting and analyzing the contradictions of their new world, and then acting on them to fight back against the forces of reaction and counter-revolution. These forces come from within their own population, as well as from external powers that cannot abide the mere thought of a better world.

This is a game about going for a walk and thinking about how difficult it would be to be a bird. On your walk, you'll pay attention to all the birds you see, tracking how many of each type of bird you encounter. At the end of your walk, you'll sort through all the birds you observed and log hardships that those birds overcame in order for you to see them.

Go on a random walk! This is a game for one player taking a pair of six-sided dice out for a walk. Each time you hit an intersection, you'll roll the dice to see if you can go the way you know, or if you have to turn a different direction. As you walk, you'll imagine yourself on a great journey!

Draw a fictional map from the perspective of a small-town explorer who invented a flying machine. Make a paper airplane and throw it around your room, cataloguing anything it flies over and interpreting each object as a point of interest on your map!