O Patron Mine is One for the Warlocks

Meet your new patron and discover what you would do for power in this new solo, Tarot-based TTRPG - currently funding on Kickstarter.

O Patron Mine is One for the Warlocks
O Patron Mine Cover Art by Mack V
This is a community submitted press release.

Meghan Cross' love for warlocks is no secret, nor is her love for character creation games. O Patron Mine, is the product of both of those loves - combining her passion for creating compelling character backstories and exploring the relationship between warlock and patron, with a hefty splash of Tarot for inspiration.

O Patron Mine provides unique prompts and patrons to help flesh out character backstories for any system and create otherworldly entities for players to encounter.

The opening page of O Patron Mine - layout by Kaden Ramstack

O Patron Mine is a prompt-based solo game about a mundane person (the player,) their encounter with a powerful entity, and the contract they entered into together as a result of their meeting. It can be played either as a standalone game, or as a means to create a backstory for a character before a larger campaign. The game features 22 unique patrons, meeting details, and contract terms inspired by each of the 22 Major Arcana cards from the Tarot deck - giving hundreds of possible combinations and incredible replayability.

The gameplay of O Patron Mine takes it's inspiration from the Tarot practice itself - players choose three cards at the beginning of the game, placing each face down in front of them in a three card spread. Then, one card at a time, the player will turn the cards over and respond to the associated prompts for each card - the first card determining WHO the patron is, the second determining WHERE they meet them, and the third determining WHAT they ask for in exchange for entering into a pact with them. Prompts found on each card take their inspiration directly from the cards themselves - both aesthetically and in overall tone. Meghan worked closely with Emma, aka Lady Dread, an experienced Tarot reader and practitioner, during the design process to ensure that the essence of the cards was translated accurately into each prompt written.

The Moon and The Sun - two possible patrons to encounter while playing O Patron Mine

In addition to the standard three card spread rules, there are also two variant ways to play the game - a two player variant, and a one card variant. 

The two player variant is ideal for players who are using O Patron Mine as a means to create a backstory for a campaign. Instead of answering the prompts on their own, players will use them to guide a roleplaying scene between them and their Gamemaster, who will take on the role of the patron, and play out the pair’s meeting and seal their pact.

The one card variant is for players who want a guaranteed aesthetic throughline for the prompts (and don’t mind a more predictable experience.)  Rather than three cards, the player will simply draw a single card and use it for all three prompt categories.

O Patron Mine is designed for quick gameplay, and can be played in as little as 30 minutes, but games can last longer depending on the player. The printed zines are a smaller, A6 size and are designed to invoke the feeling of a Tarot guidebook and features a beautiful layout by Kaden Ramstack and cover art by Mack V.

The Kickstarter campaign begins as a part of ZineQuest/ZineMonth on February 1 and will run throughout the entire month, ending on February 28.