Poor Things: starting a sex worker-led revolution through Blades in the Dark
How a very pretty film made me so angry it sparked a character and two articles

Margeaux (aka Marge, aka Robin) is the baddest bitch you’ll ever meet. A demon woman with feathers for hair, she knows how to wield the power she has in a society that wants to give her none. Marge works in the oldest profession in the world. By day, she’s a showgirl at the up-and-coming Ziggy’s theater, a terminally smoke-filled speakeasy in Little Iruvia. By night, she’s a full- service sex worker. The unofficial bouncer for her house, a local branch of The Bedwarmers Union, she keeps The Girls (gender neutral) safe from men who forget they’re purchasing a service, not a good. On more than one occasion, she’s come home in the early morning light, with a promise that “he’ll never hurt anyone again.”