Solo Games I Got At Gen Con…
…to play while I have Covid, which I also got at Gen Con
…to play while I have Covid, which I also got at Gen Con
The Keynote Address shines a light on what’s coming for Paizo into Spring 2025.
A practical play experience that gamifies the "core loop" of tabletop RPG GMing to let novice, aspiring, and skill-seeking GMs look under the hood and gain experience responding in the moment to the dynamics among the players at the table.
How to Be the First Fans to Crack Open the New Player’s Handbook, Grab USPS Stamps
Let’s all politely clap and get on with our lives.
Gen Con 2024
Many online blame the convention for folding to a right wing outrage campaign and forcing the event to end
This lottery system’s a drag, but smaller cons can step up to fill the niche.