Hecate Cassette Archive, a Supernatural Mothership 1e Adventure, is live on Kickstarter
The anarchist Analog Survey crew has been sent to retrieve a cache of encoded tapes from the imposing Hecate Cassette Archive, but they aren't the only ones after them, or even the first ones in...

What secrets are held on the mysterious Cassette X?
RV Games is pleased to present Hecate Cassette Archive, the crowdfunding debut of the writer and designer Joshua Justice.
Hecate Cassette Archive is a 36-page setting and adventure zine for the 1st edition of The Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG. Hecate Cassette Archive is played playable as a heist adventure or as a location to drop into your campaign. Hecate Cassette Archive is designed to provide be ready-to-play with minimal prep required.
All pledge levels of Hecate Cassette Archive contain:
- 5 one-shot adventure hooks and 1 campaign adventure hook, infiltrate Hecate Cassette Archive in multiple ways with immersive sim inspired game design. Combine social, technical, and violent solutions to solve your problems.
- An exterior map of the Pure Transmission Corporation colony on the ever icy planet of Benza-10 by Justin Vandermeer
- An exterior map of the Hecate Cassette Archive by Justin Vandermeer
- Interior flowchart maps of Hecate Cassette Archive, optimized for immediate play
- 5 Factions with named NPCs
- The Anarchist collective Analog Survey
- The players assume the role of a member of a guerilla team for the Anarchist collection Analog Survey. They care most about liberating the Hecate sector from Pure Transmission Corporation.
- Pure Transmission Corporation
- An intergalactic radio conglomerate that purchased most independent stations on the air over the last century. Their orbital broadcasting stations, spread throughout the galaxy, only play the most unoriginal, uninspired tunes. The Archive was designed to house music deemed unfit for the general populace by the musical fascists that run PTC. The corporation seeks to keep the Archives contents from getting out to the public.
- Cassette Archivists
- The Archivists at Hecate Cassette Archive have varying degrees of loyalty to Pure Transmission Corp., but all share one commonality, which is a strong desire to protect and learn about the materials stored within the Archive. Whether they agree with PTC’s censorship is also something that varies among the workers. Keeping the Archives materials safe is their primary goal.
- Archive Security
- The security team for Hecate Cassette Archive cares about preserving company property and secrets, but they have no interest in the materials in the archive and absolutely hate music.
- Void Musicians Guild
- A shadowy group of individuals found in the darkest regions of rim space. They’re musicians, sure, but music is less an art form for them and more of a spiritual calling. The sparse information available on the group claim they’re researching ways to alter space time through experimentation around tones and frequencies. The Void Musicians inside the Archive seek to steal CASSETTE X.
- The Anarchist collective Analog Survey
- 10 NPCs/Encounters
- Illustrations from the amazing Amanda Lee Franck

- A Mothership Hacker's Handbooknetwork for the Hecate Cassette Archive written by Violet Ballard
- Full solo and Wardenless support using RV Games Advanced Rules
- Four custom classes in the included digital zine: Alternate Classes from the Hecate Sector
- Custom loadouts for the standard Mothership classes and for the alternate Hecate classes
- Custom trinkets and patches
- A prequel pamphlet: Radio Free Hekate
- A player-facing digital magazine:Analog Survey
- Audio files for analog ambience
- A digital copy of the choose-your-own prequel tape adventure, Cassette X.
- A limited physical edition of Cassette X is available as part of the Kickstarter Edition of HCA
- Digital assets

RV Games is a Queer publisher of auteur tabletop games.

Joshua Justice (he/they) - Lead Writer and Designer

Joshua Justice is a TTRPG writer/designer, and music afficiando. They DJ and put out a long-running radio show on Freeform Portland. Their cat Bobbie is their muse.
Violet Ballard (she/they) - Producer and Contributing Writer

Dr. Violet is a proudly Queer mom and educator from Fresno, California. She is the owner of RV Games and the writer of the Mothership modules Slasher and Rampant.
D.N. Wilkie (he/him) - Developmental Editor and Graphic Designer
Amanda Lee Franck (she/her) - Illustrator

Amanda Lee Franck is a Chicago-based artist and writer working on making up new kinds of monsters, zines, and comics. She is best known for a trilogy of boat-based rpgs that include You Got a Job on the Garbage Barge and Vampire Cruise.
Justin Vandermeer (he/they) - Mapper

Justin Vandermeer is a Canadian artist, game designer, and unrepentant TTRPG fanboy. He is old enough to know why there is a bit of clear tape over the corner of that old cassette in your dad's glovebox.
Greenspore (he/him) - Copy and Line Editing

Greenspore is the creator pre-Mothership 1e Shipbreaker’s Toolkit hack known as Miniships and is part of upcoming 1e adventure anthologies. A rules lite and OSR DM of 11 years, he is currently in the process of taking on editing professionally in his day job and loves working with other passionate creatives and nerds by night.

Mothership RPG are trademarks of Tuesday Knight Games. For additional information, visit www.tuesdayknightgames.com or contact contact@tuesdayknightgames.com.