Unionizing hobby stores in NYC say owners called their efforts “the absolute insanity of the woke”
Tabletop Workers United asks folks to sign a petition to bring Jon Freeman and Gregory May to the table in good faith.

Forming a union is a long, stressful process under the best circumstances. Workers dedicate time outside of their jobs to drafting contracts, media outreach, and the actual effort of improving the working lives of their peers. Once that unionization vote has passed, you might think that it’s smooth sailing. But the choppiest waters actually froth around the negotiation table between workers and their bosses.
Just ask the staff of three New York City-based hobby game stores who are collectively unionized under the Tabletop Workers United banner (itself a part of Workers United NY/NJ). Jon Freeman and Gregory May, who jointly own Hex&Co—and independently own The Brooklyn Strategist, and The Uncommons, respectively—have apparently been so actively hostile and combative during supposed good faith negotiations that the union has released a public petition to curtail the owner’s cruel and churlish behavior.