Rascal doubles in power with two new voices
New biters, same ankle.

I am so pleased to announce that Rascal has added a pair of new writers to its stable of up-punching, roguish news hounds and bloggers. Both of them bring sharp tabletop acumen and a wonderfully developed voice that Rowan and I are so excited to see cultivated further under our pink-and-black banner.
As I’ve mentioned in previous updates, Rascal is not a ship that can be sailed by two people. More accurately, we have been keeping it afloat but relatively listless in the wake of Lin Codega’s turn towards professionally writing about traumatized gay vampires. Both of us have big dreams for what this website can accomplish, and we want to provide our subscribers with the best coverage, criticism and silly little blogs possible. It became clear very early that continued growth meant filling the open seat.