The "Get Loud" TTRPG Bundle Launches on
Put Your Money Where Our Mouths Are

Recently indie TTRPG creators have been told to "get loud" about our work. So in response here's a collection of some indie games that more people should play and know about. They are gorgeous, they are novel, and they take no time at all to learn, set up, and play.
The bundle includes beloved single player RPG's like The Magus and Project ECCO, games about queerness like Together We Write Private Cathedrals, unique card games like Collectible Trading Moon Game, and innovative forged in the dark titles like Beam Saber and Crescent 2E. All in all there's 36 games for just $20, split evenly between all 20 creators involved. The bundle runs for the month of February 2025.
If we want more and better roleplaying games, if we want new worlds to imagine and a better world here, let's start by supporting artists with our time and our money, and listening when they speak.
Because we are loud about our games every single day. We are not "wringing our hands" we are creating beautiful and awe-inspiring worlds, and clever rules to navigate them, all while asking for far less time and money than companies with a thousand times our scope and capacity.

Being an indie creator is hard and thankless. We make things because we cannot help but be artists, and we are met largely with silence, and with large games sites wringing their hands about view counts and clicks when we ask for attention. We are expected to compete with companies who pay salaries to public relations people, who have marketing budgets and teams of artists, when all we have is a social media account, a mailing list, and the occasional crowdfunding campaign.
We are not saved by these companies, but by other small indie groups. By sites like Rascal who make new game announcements easy, and the people who make YouTube channels and podcasts who play and read our games and let their fans know we exist. We are saved by people, not companies.
So if you buy the bundle, if you post about it on social media, or your work’s Slack channel, or write the link on the wall of the bathroom in that cool queer dive bar you like, thank you.