Between the Skies; Generate Everything
Rules minimalist and fiction maximalist cosmic fantasy exploration game

Between the Skies is a cosmic fantasy game of travel and exploration, with all you need for wild flights of shared imagination. In its pages you will find hundreds of tables, dozens of procedures, advice and guidance, as well as strange worlds created by writers like wendi yu and Iko (Lost Bay). It is both a complete game, and a cornucopia of system-neutral tools and toys for the game of your choice. In theme and vibe it draws from the long history of plane and sphere hopping weird fantasy fiction and roleplaying.
Rules minimalist and fiction maximalist, Between the Skies provides a suite of procedures for resolving risky situations, combat, travel, spellcasting and more. All of these procedures are simple, modular, and optional. At the same time, the book provides tables and tools to generate everything you might want in your own wonderful multiverse.

Emerging from the stew of FKR, NSR, and OSR rpg design, Between the Skies also takes inspiration from storygames like Wanderhome and Dream Askew. It supports both solo and collaborative, and the copious generators provide the imaginative inspiration that these styles of play rely on. Whether you play with a designated Referee, solo, or collaboratively, the procedures emphasize shared creation of the fiction throughout play. Between the Skies also gives players the simple, optional mechanics, and love of random surprise that characterize old-school play.
Whether you are looking to take your existing game in wild, wonderful directions, or start a new game of weird fantasy exploration and creation, Between the Skies is a trove of resources to draw from, and a guide to help you play with almost nothing between your game and your imagination.