Characters Without Stories returns Jan 18
The fourth season will feature your favorite or soon-to-be-favorite tabletop creators

Characters Without Stories is a TTRPG podcast about characters we haven't had a chance to play yet. Each episode features an interview with a TTRPG creator about their character, how they build characters, and what making characters means to them.
Season 4 starts January 18 and brings your favorite or your soon-to-be favorite creator to the table. This season includes interviews from actual play performer and cosplayer Spunky Taylor, Mistress Winter from Tabletop Talespinners, Rene from Rene Pays Games, Lyssa from Slovenly Trulls, Ross from Blades of Mayari, actual play performer Glowpinkstah, content creator and charity fundraiser Jes the Human, Chowder from Dicepopuli, content creator Tadhana Joy, game designer Kyle Tam, streamer aBlackSparrow, Natalie Fuinha from The Storyteller Squad, and Irving from Playback Static.
Characters Without Stories features a wide variety of games and this season continues that trend, including characters from Thirsty Sword Lesbians, Heart, Traveller, Monsterhearts, Fate, Fabula Ultima, Orbital Blues, Werewolf: the Apocalypse, and Kids on Brooms, among others.
Submissions are also open for characters with a priority for creators from marginalized communities and non-D&D characters.
For inquiries, please contact Star at