Paizo Fans call on Paizo and United Paizo Workers to speak for justice for the Palestinian People
All of us have a moral responsibility to do what we can to prevent such crimes against humanity, especially for those of us who are citizens of countries allied with the state of Israel.

September 9, 2024 - Like the vast majority of the world's population, members of the Paizo fan community have watched in horror the unfolding genocide of the Palestinian people in the Gaza strip carried out by Israeli forces with the material and diplomatic support of the United States of America and many of its allies.
We recognize that it has been the silence of American society on the injustices carried out against the Palestinian people that has enabled them to continue for so many decades and it is the breaking of that silence by as many of us as possible that will create the possibility of true justice and lasting peace in the region.
Therefore we, as members of the Paizo community, comprising Freelancers, Third Party Creators, Fans, GMs, and Players, ask Paizo as well as the United Paizo Workers Union to participate in breaking that silence and call for ceasefire, a return of all hostages from both sides, and the liberation and safety of the Palestinian people. Especially now as the attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure spreads even further into the West Bank, which is also part of the Palestinian Occupied Territories.
Considering Paizo's excellent track record of speaking on matters of justice such as the Black Lives Matter Movement as well as Pride Month, we look forward to a positive response from both the company and the union. We also call on even more members of the community to join the call by signing the letter and reaching out to the company and the union.
More information on how to sign up and help this initiative can be found by contacting Aamir Hussain at
The open letter and current signatories follow:
Dear Paizo and United Paizo Workers,
As fans and contributors to Paizo's products and active members of the Paizo community we are coming together to ask Paizo and United Paizo Workers to once again do the right thing at a time where to be silent is to be on the side of injustice.
Since October of 2023 the world has watched horrific violence targeting civilians flare up in the region of Israel/Palestine.From the terrible targeting of Israeli civilians on October 7th to the horribly disproportionate response ever since which has caused more than 36,000 Palestinians to be killed, over 83000 injured, and millions deprived of the basic necessities of life.
In fact, the head of the United Nations World Food Program has said in May 2024 that the North of Gaza is in a famine. This is a man made famine caused by aid being blocked by the state of Israel and Israeli protestors.
The destruction of Palestinian civilian life, bodies, and infrastructure by Israeli forces has been so blatant that in May 2024 the highest court in the world, the International Court of Justice has ordered all hostilities to cease, aid to be allowed in, and for full cooperation with international investigators. In the same month the chief prosecutor of the ICC requested a warrant for the arrest of top Israeli leadership. Israeli leadership however has refused to end the violence.
All of us have a moral responsibility to do what we can to prevent such crimes against humanity, especially for those of us who are citizens of countries allied with the state of Israel. It is our trade, weapons, diplomatic cover, and aid that are sustaining these crimes. As Paizo is a company in the United States of America and most Paizo fans are in English speaking countries that are Israeli allies, it is especially true that our silence is complicity, and we must not be silent in such a time.
Paizo, led by its workers, has a long and proud history of doing the right thing. From standing up for the Pride community, to loudly stating that "Black Lives Matter", to voluntarily recognizing the United Paizo Workers union, Paizo has time and again risen to the occasion. The urgency of the current situation in Gaza requires that Paizo, and the Paizo community rise again.
As such, we the undersigned, as members of the Paizo community, request that Paizo and the United Paizo Workers make a public statement calling for a ceasefire from all sides, a return of all hostages from all sides, the resumption of humanitarian aid, and for the liberation and safety of all peoples in the region, especially the Palestinian people.
Thank you,
Azih on Paizo Forums - Fan and Content Creator - Aamir Hussain
AleshaKills on Various Platforms - Freelancer - Michelle Jones
adisasterqueer on X (Twitter)/Discord - Fan and content creator - Alyssa
MadQueenCosplay on X (Twitter) - Fan and content creator - Aubrey Knotts
dragoncatpaw on X (Twitter) - Fan, player - E Farris
Dustehill on X (Twitter) - Content Creator - Dustin H.
Tickout on Discord - Fan
akinomii_art on X (Twitter) - Fan, Content Creator, Freelance Writer - Jessie "Aki" Lo
@pf2e on Discord - Fan & Third Party Writer - Marceline Miller
@Mrgwillickers on Various Platforms - Fan and Freelancer - Brite Cheney
@kendrarara on Bluesky - Freelancer - Kendra Leigh Speedling
Freelancer - Jabari Weathers
Game Racoon on Bluesky and Discord - Freelance Writer - Ashton Sperry
Monte_Lin on Various Platforms - Freelancer - Monte Lin
@geekjames513 on X (Twitter) - Freelancer - James Beck
@carlosatscg on X (Twitter) - Freelancer - Carlos Cabrera
araknyd on Discord - Fan
Lessah on Paizo Forums - Fan
@Darth_ruvaider on Various Platforms - Freelancer - Ruvaid Virk
@AgentNos on Youtube - Fan - Haydn
@sebastianyue on Discord - Freelancer
@dungeonminister on Various Platforms - Freelancer, content creator - Esther Wallace
gendernihilist on Discord - Fan, GM, Player - Ven Näkez
Jimbo Jambo on Discord - jimbusjambus
Infinite Master, Paizo Freelancer, and Paizo Organized Play Venture-Agent - Solatra Lilac Harvinkai, credited as Sasha Laranoa Harving