Pukeapocalypse Spews Forth
Grim Neon Kitbashing Carnage

The latest piece of gaming insanity from one of the brains behind Gaslands is hitting the market. Exalted Funeral has teamed up with Glenn Ford, Lead Developer on Gaslands and co-host on the Rule of Carnage podcast, to create the 66 pages of GrimNeon nightmare that is Pukeapocalypse.
Pukeapocalypse will launch on Jan. 15 on the Exalted Funeral online shop.

Spiral bound for the tabletop with original cover artwork by Lukasz Kowalczuk and throughout, along with pieces by Aleksander Kostic and Tiger Wizard.
“This is a hobby first, kitbash driven game,” Glenn says, “It’s set in a world inspired by the full on world of 90s neon gore and grue that I grew up with. It’s my love letter to Garbage Pail Kids, melt movies and Tromaville, bright and lurid and sort of disgustingly joyful.”

“The gameplay is about the physical placement and manipulation of tokens noting your main resource, acidic stomach bile, and the ways it streams and gushes across the tabletop. I’m obsessed with the physical, three dimensional space of miniatures games, so Pukeapocalypse had to be grounded in that, it had to be hands-on, about getting dirt under your fingernails.”

Pukeapocalypse contains:
- Six horribly unique factions from the Skinless Skins to the Vom Cultists.
- Six freakish scenarios such as The Fountain of Eternal Piss.
- A full progression system for your bands where they can visit the Milton Keynes Piss Market to purchase anything from Moon Boots to Splat Hammers.
- A narrative campaign to finish out your Scumbags’ story by hunting F.U.B.
Even more, it comes with:
- Three punchboard sheets with a whole bunch of crap on:
- 71 Bile tokens.
- 21 Activation markers.
- 2 Measuring widgets.
- 2 First turn markers.
- And a lovely barf bag to keep all your tokens in! Or for puking if that comes up.
Pukeapocalypse is available here starting Wednesday Jan 15th.